Photo by Arne Ader

April 6th
19.00 – Social gathering & local delicacies for participants of pre-seminars

April 7th
19.00 – Walk with lanterns on the tracks of the Black and White Death
20.00 – The walk will lead us to a truly warming opening reception

April 8th
18.30 – Drive to Pootsi Wine Estate. During the trip we will stop at Pootsi-Kõpu church and later, get to enhance our knowledge of the world of medicinal herbs through a visit to the “local medicine woman” Mercedes Merimaa.

The dinner menu will exclusively consist of local delicacies.

Dress code for both nights: prepare warm and cozy clothes.

Find out more about everything from here.

The NCPC2021 is sponsored by EAS and European Union European Regional Development Fund (27696 EUR). In addition to our scientific agenda – to promote patient-centered approaches and digital interconnected solutions – the project also aims to introduce Estonia, with a special focus on parts of Estonia and its culture that are harder to reach, yet worthy of doing so.