Presentation abstract
My presentation about smart digital solutions for supporting patient adherence consists of three main parts. At first I will give a brief insight into adherence and problems regarding polypharmacy. Secondly I am going to introduce different digital solutions that are already used and accepted by patients and healthcare specialists around the world. In the end of my presentation I will introduce my research results and share thoughts about implementation of smart solutions in Estonia.
Brief biography
I am Hanna Keidong, a 5th-year Pharmacy student from University of Tartu. As years in studies went by, I discovered a topic that really fascinated me – medication adherence. I feel like new medications are continuously developed, which obviously is great, but more attention needs to be drawn on using the medications we already have more efficiently. Additionally, I would like to emphasize the importance and interest in digital solutions, which in my opinion have a great potential in innovating every field, including medication adherence. I am excited to share my findings as well as listening to others’ ideas and perspectives at the conference!