Presentation abstract
Associate Professor Susanne Kaae will begin by reviewing her areas of research in the fields of Social Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacy. Social pharmacy has the broad helicopter view of medicines in society – how they are managed and used. In order to understand medicines` use the field focuses on eliciting the patient perspective and therein strives to be person-centered. Clinical pharmacy is a pharmacist specific area that focuses on making medicines as beneficial to patients as possible and seeks to reduce the risks of medicines use for patients. Although a profession-oriented discipline, clinical pharmacy has increasingly emphasized the importance of shared decision making in order to optimize drug therapy for patients, in this way emphasizing patient-involvement. Based on these definitions, she will review what it means to be patient- or citizen-centric in daily pharmacy practice, by drawing on the results from a new, innovative patient centered pharmacy post-curriculum course in Denmark and the Netherlands.
Brief biography
Susanne Kaae is a trained pharmacist and worked for 6 years as a community pharmacist before joining academia where she now works as an Associate Professor at the Social and Clinical Pharmacy Group at the University of Copenhagen. Special research areas today include ‘pharmacy practice’ i.e. implementation of cognitive services in community pharmacy and patient centered communication at the pharmacy counter. Susanne Kaae has published several articles in the area and has been in charge of teaching activities for pharmacy students and staff in pharmacy communication; along with being principal investigator of several pharmacy projects investigating and testing new communication practices.